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Marina Dragzilla is an educational project of the researcher Felipe Petik Pasqualotto
for the purpose of integrating Gender and Sexuality concepts into technological practices.
Marina was born in Brazil to represent the project
"Além do Arco Íris" (Afroreggae) in Rio de Janeiro´s carnival.

Project "Além do Arco Íris" (Afroreggae/RJ/Brazil):
social designer for social initiative on the attention for
travestites and trans women in social risk.
Marina´s fisrt apparition in camera by
friend and roomate Thales Santos

Specialization on Gender and Sexuality by UERJ (Brazil)

Working in FLAP Marketing Agency (Brasilia, Brazil) I was invited to deliver a mini-course (6h) on Diversity communication strategies for the CAIXA bank headquarters.

Winner of the first LGBT social entrepreneurship contest in Brazil (NESsT)
Published Article - Social Entrepreneurship:
(in Portuguese)
"Como a formação de redes e iniciativas colaborativas pode atuar na resolução de dilemas sociais baseados em sexualidade e identidade de gênero"

Enters the Master´s Design Program in UFSC (Brazil)
to explore the connections between design and gender studies
Organizes and independently releases book
about Masculinities with 8 amazing authors and friends

Presented my dissertation with considerations on Sexuality and Gender Identity for Branding practices,
or plain simple: how Brands perceive and approach the LGBT group in Brazil.
Download full paper here:
Marina´s first class about LGBT consumerism
and the Drag phenomenon - for Design UFSC
Captured by the lens of @fabriciofinardi
Marina talks about Gender and Fashion at "Beyond Desires: The Futures of Fashion, Food & Sex" on IAMW18 !
Became an Associate Member of FEMINIST INTERNET
See LinkedIn profile for more
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